Shopping Guides

Order flow
Purchase of goods
You will receive an automatic reply email from us when your purchase is complete.

Shipment of goods
It takes 3 to 5 days from purchase to shipping.
When the item has been shipped, we will send you a shipping email with the tracking number.
Please check the shipping status of the product.

Receipt of goods
Products will be shipped from Japan.
If you purchase from a country other than Japan, you may be subject to customs duties and VAT. These taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
(The amount is close to 22% to 35% of the purchase price and shipping fee according to the laws of each country)
Please note.

Taxes may be collected when you receive your item.
Please note that tax amounts vary depending on your location.

Shipping policy

The item will be shipped within 3-5 days of purchase.
Generally, we ship via  UPS, or EMS.

・Please note that we cannot "undervalue" the purchase price at the time of shipping.

・There are an increasing number of cases where packages do not arrive in Italy.
We may ask Italian customers to present a "codice fiscale" (Partita IVA for companies) after purchase.

Please note.

Refund policy
Our store sells Japanese anime-related products.
Some products are decades old. Please note that they may have minor scratches, creases, or other damage that cannot be specified, so they are not new.
If the item is damaged upon arrival, please contact us within one week of receiving the item and attach a photo of the damaged item.
Orders cannot be cancelled after shipping is completed.Please note in advance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
